Tell Me You're Going To Read This

This is where I will post any written submissions site readers want to see posted! This can be any form of poetry or prose, as long as it pertains to the guidelines on the following tab. I will occasionally post some of my own favorite works I have done, so hopefully we can all enjoy some good writing! 

Submission by Anonymous - "November 5th 2024"

Three vastly different women, huddled in a twin sized bed, making warmth with the connectedness of our bodies and minds. “Oh, to be a fly on the wall right now,” I resurrected as we prosecute the colors on our TV. “More like to be the fly swatter,” Valerie begrudged. Three bodies lying like fish in a net, just caught and looking for holes. Any holes. I have never claimed to be an expert, instead just extremely exhausted. Three bodies in a bed but there use to be four. Us girls could not scrounge up enough hope to keep the party intact. The illuminating light glazes our faces. We are drones to the words they speak. We are prey to the Killer.

              Mauve cried in her bed. Three girls connected now through shared death. The TV lingers. More time, we wished for more time. What could we have done? We were and are just three girls in a twin sized bed, intertwined by bodily autonomy and grief. Freedom slipping through our fingers like running water. Valerie has never heard her mother cry. She wept on the phone. Three girls sitting silent in a bed, struck by a prolonged second of sisterhood. Three completely different girls, altered by the wave of Red that swept through the room. “Oh, to be a fly on the wall now,” I huffed. “That is all we have ever been.” Valerie retorted.